In this paper, five researchers propose and implement a more effective system for giving driving directions. They point out that drivers are more comfortable driving a route the second time, because of the visual memory recalled from the first time. Their system, called Videomap, generates a video of a requested route (using previously captured panoramic images) and presents it to the user. Videomap uses several techniques to improve its usefulness:
- Portions of the route between turns are shown quickly, while turns are shown slowly
- The field of view is expanded near turns to take in (currently hand-selected) landmarks
- The video smooths out turns by rotating the field of view before the car itself turns
- Landmarks are freeze-framed alongside the video, while the video continues "driving"
Now, for some of my own thoughts on the paper. I found this paper to be very interesting, since it takes a novel approach to the common activity of getting directions. I believe that I would actually use such a system if it continued to be refined, and if some of the important caveats were handled well. I didn't really see any faults with this paper, except that the landmarks have to be hand-generated at the moment. I wouldn't be surprised if Google has their eye on this, especially since three of the researchers are with Microsoft! That being said, an obvious area for future work would be to hook up with a corporation like Microsoft or Google, and use their resources to improve and beta test this application.
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